Sunday, December 13, 2009

Week Eleven

This week we worked on DNA and only DNA. One of the things we worked on was the puzzle analogy. This was that DNA was like a puzzle because only certain "pieces" (adenine to thymine, cytosine to guanine) fit. Not everything fits together to make DNA.
To prove how DNA works we played a simulation type game. Everyone was in the nucleus (the classroom) and had a special job. I was the DNA and I had a code. No one was aloud to take it out of my hands. Next to me was messenger RNA. The RNA then copied my code on another piece of paper and threw it to the next table (ribosomes). They then decoded the message and the transfer RNA got the message and brought it over to other ribosomes. They then built the protein with the given materials. What just happened was that a protein was built for the cell.
messenger Ribonucleic Acid : get code from DNA and bring to ribosomes
transfer Ribonucleic Acid : moves around to get materials
This whole simulation shows how DNA and RNA work.
RNA is the half of a DNA. Instead of A to T, its A to Uracil. Although they are different, they're both made of amino acids and are inside the nucleus.

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