Friday, September 18, 2009

Week One

Q: What science ideas did you learn?
A: The science ideas I learned this week were about germs and how they spread. I also learned the difference between living and non-living things. Another thing I learned was the differences between viruses, bacteria, and parasites.
Q: How did you learn these ideas?
A: We learned about germs and how they spread by having one person in the class have contaminated water. We would then go around and "trade" water in a test tube. While we were doing this we had to keep track of who we switched with. After about ten minutes, we got a fluid that would turn our fluid a specific color. If it turned red then we would be contaminated with the disease but if it turned green then we would be "healthy". We all then tried to trace back to the person who started the disease.
When we learned about living and non-living things, we made a list of what it takes to be living. Some things were must reproduce, need energy, and must develop/grow.
The differences between viruses, bacteria and parasites is also what we learned. We learned this by writing a list of the characteristics for each of the germ types.
Q: Why is it important to know this idea (What real world application is there)?
A: It is important to know this because it can make us more cautious about sickness. Knowing the difference between living and non-living can also help us determine if all germs are living or non-living.

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